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Shay-Lee Knox

My dad the paramedic!

I am Shay-Lee Knox (Labuschagne) my dad George Labuschagne has been a paramedic since I was born. I am 15 and I am in grade 9. My dad is a very dedicated paramedic and through his career he has tried other careers, however, he always goes back to being a paramedic.

At the moment during the day he works with my cousins as an orthopaedic solutions consultant (AOS). He attends operations and assists doctors in complicated orthopaedic surgery. At night or early morning he is a paramedic for Rocket H.E.M.S (helicopter emergency medical service). My dad has studied extensively and has achieved many accomplishments during his time in the paramedic field including obtaining his wings which allow him to work and assist on the emergency helicopters.

I am very proud to be his daughter and stand by him through his accomplishments and struggles. I don’t think he understands how honoured I am to say that my dad helps and saves other people’s lives every day. As you will understand from this article my dad spends a lot of time at work and often misses special occasions, but that doesn’t make me feel sad because I know that he is doing the right thing and sacrificing his own time and pleasures to assist and support those in need.

I do at times worry that he may be injured rushing to an emergency, attending a volatile medical situation or flying in the helicopter but I need to take this in my stride. I need to remind myself that it takes a lot of strength and courage on his side to deal with the daily trauma of his patients and to face some of the situations that he finds himself in. As a result I try not to burden him with the concerns that I have because I don’t feel that way all the time and I have learned that he adds such value to the community and that outweighs my concerns.

I feel that my dad is truly a special person and the time that he does get to spend with Astin, my brother Dagan, little sister Gia and I is filled with love and laughter. He truly is one of a kind and he really understands us in ways that no one else will. He strives all the time to make Astin and us kids happy and feel comfortable to discuss anything we need with him. Both he and Astin are not only our parents, but our best friends.

I would also like to take the time to thank the pilots that safely carry the patients, my father and his fellow paramedics. The dedication of my dad and of a team of this nature is something that has added value to my character and my wanting to strive to be a successful professional one day, irrespective of what field of study I choose to follow.

I salute every hard working paramedic whether it be in the sky, on the ocean or on land - you are truly all brave warriors.

Written with love by


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